Saturday, May 15, 2010

Difference between Winners and Losers in Trading

  • Winners come for long-term career; losers come for short term bull market gains and fast money.
  • Winners have adequate capital, losers are generally undercapitalized.
  • Winners are always preparing for the best and prepared for the worst, whereas losers learns nothing and forgets everything.
  • Winners never repeat a mistake or if does then very less compared to the previous time they made similar mistake. While losers repeat mistake, even worse than that that they lose bigger than the previous time they made the mistake.
  • Winners trade/work in up and down and sideways all three types of markets, while losers play on favorites and comfortable side.
  • Winners learn and improve; losers sharpen their ego and continue to lose.
  • Losers think they have to earn a minimum daily, while winners know in trading we don’t earn daily. In fact it is a question of saving capital and safety many times.
  • Winners learn from others mistakes while losers think they know how to play the market and that luck is all they need.

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